Our company has experience developing android app for small local business, using the latest platform’s native technology. Our projects are shown below
The images are merely illustrative
A clinic that works with elderly people with dementia, was looking for activities for patients to do, they have created an application for cognitive stimulation for these elderly people.
A locksmith needed to organize his orders, so an application was made to help with the demands.
A market was struggling to manage its product stock, so an application was developed that reads QR codes and bars and then generated a report.
A clothing shop was struggling to organize its financial transactions on paper, so an application was produced to help consolidate finances.
A local cooperative wanted to increase its digital presence, so an application was published that provided the weather forecast for the region.
A carrier that needed help managing its trucks, so an application was built that showed the location of vehicles in real time.
A gym would like to offer its customers a personalized way, so an application was developed to record the performance of physical activities.
An accounting office needed to provide remote access to its reports, so an application for authentication was built.